After the 9th day of work on Project Master Bath (which has quickly turned into Project Hallway, Living Room, and Basement), we decided to watch the Tom Hanks classic, The Money Pit, for a few laughs. It was fantasic to giggle at Tom Hanks' misfortunes in the movie, misfortunes that we could somewhat relate to.... but the laughing stopped the very next day when we ran into more termite damage, no internet, brown water from the faucets, some sort of insect outbreak, holes in the ceiling and walls, and torn up carpet. All in all, it's safe to say that I had a rather large meltdown. I mean, ladies, who wouldn't! On top of it all, my one dog was projectile vomiting on the hour and my other dog got into a dog fight with the neighbor dog.... so theres the dog imitating the Exorcist and the dog imitating a pirate with his one eye closed up after being scratched.
So Pirate and Pukey and I tried laying down for a nap to take the edge off.... just as the power saw started up. Needless to say, my nap was unsuccessful and I was A LITTLE edgy (meaning my husband could have sliced a BRICK with my edges).
Seeing my need for a break, my parents had an evening out to give me and my man a little time together. What did we do? He took a quad ride into the woods and watched a movie on his computer. I showered and blow dried my hair for the first time since this project began (blow drying my hair that is... I HAVE showered in the last 2 weeks!). I also did my nails and watched my own movie... Today, however, our grumpiness seems to have greatly subsided today. Apparently we needed alone time BEFORE we were ready for together time:)

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