Never really getting into HGTV before, I'm not sure how I managed to make it through the day without seeing Mike Holmes' sexy overalls, Property Virgins giving it up to their first home, and House Hunters (yes, even the International version) penny pinching to have the home of their dreams. They really get ya by showing one episode right after the next, without even a commercial in between to distract you into doing real work on YOUR OWN HOME. But I must say, I'm becoming quite the little addict :) I'm even becoming less annoyed by the people with their ridiculously picky "MUST HAVE" lists and the couples looking for extravagent summer homes to match their UBER-extravagant spring, fall, and winter homes. But if anyone from HGTV is out there and reading this menial blog, my name is Shivonne Costa.... and you can feel free to come to my home, make me an episode offer, and fix my house for free. Amen.
